Calligraphy, Yama-takaku-mizu-nagashi by Daisetz Suzuki
Meiji - Showa period, 19th - 20 th c. / Guest book, ink on paper

Excerpt from guest book with "Gaunshū" written on its cover. The book contained entries from many people, and was maintained by Suzuki's wife Beatrice (1878-1939), who would carry it with her and solicit entries. Right: "Yama takaku, mizu nagashi (Mountain high, waters long) - Daisetz" Left: "Dōyū God¡do-shi Beikoku e kikyō ni sai shi ryūbetsu no utage ni manekare Ikkyūan ni oite Suzuki Biwakojoshi no tame ni sho su, Shōwa shichi-nen ichi-gatsu nijūku-nichi. (Having been invited to our friend Mr. Goddard's farewell upon the occasion of his return to America, I write this from Ikkyū-an for Suzuki Biwakojoshi - January 29, 1932)."
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