Promotion Letter from Mikawa School
Meiji period, dated 1890 / Sheet, ink on paper

Suzuki entered the Daishi Kōtō Chūgakkō School in 1888 but, unable to afford tuition, left in July of the same year and found work as an assistant at Iida Elementary School on the Noto Peninsula. The following year, he was transferred to Mikawa Elementary School in Nomi-gun, where he was promoted to full-time teacher (kundō) and assigned to teach English, as the above certifies. He resigned his position in 1890 and headed for Tokyo via Kobe.
Promotion Letter from Shinshu Otani University
Taisho period, dated 1921 / Sheet, ink on paper

This document certifies Suzuki's appointment as professor at Shinshū Ōtani University (now Ōtani University) on March 22, 1921. The university was seeking scholars from a broad academic range in order to bring itself into accordance with the University Ordinance issued by the government in 1918. Suzuki had been brought to the attention of the university through his academic affiliation with the third chancellor of the university, Gesshō Sasaki (1875-1926), and Kitarō Nishida (1870-1945) of Kyoto Imperial University, who had also been a schoolmate of Suzuki's in their hometown of Kanazawa. Both Daisetz's and Beatrice's appointments (English and Indian Philosophy/English, respectively) were formally approved by the Minister of Education on October 21, 1921, pursuant to article seven of the regulations for public and private institutions of higher education.
Retirement Certificate from Otani University
Showa period, dated 1960 / Sheet, ink on paper

Document certifying Suzuki's retirement from his professorship at Ōtani University, October 14, 1960.
Certificate of Honorary Professor from Otani University
Showa period, dated 1960 / Sheet, ink on paper

Document awarding Suzuki the title of professor emeritus dated October 15, 1960. He retired from his position as professor at the venerable age of ninety, and remained Ōtani University professor emeritus until his death at ninety-five years of age.
Daisetz's ID Card at Otani University
Showa period, dated 1960 / Sheet, ink on paper

1941 identification (passenger discount card) verifying his position as Ōtani University professor.
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